Exhibit at the 2023 SCAAP Annual Meeting!
Due to high demand, the Exhibit Floor at the SCAAP meeting may be full. For the most recent updates on availability, please contact Sandi Selzer at sselzer@lutinemanagement.com. Thank you for your interest!

Sponsorship Levels
Platinum - $5000
- Recognition as Platinum Supporter (banner ad or company logo) prominently displayed on SC AAP home page, on conference web page and in marketing, as well as acknowledgement
- Senior executive addresses attendees during event (5 minute limit)
- Approved message or ad emailed to entire database
- Opportunity to have one meetings annually with SC AAP leadership to provide update on your product or service
- Conference app listing: Up to two PDF files (ad, company brochure, etc.), link to pre-recorded video, banner ad or splash screen, contact info, company bio, and website link
- Ability to post special deals, flyers, or photos, and interact directly with attendees (mobile and desktop versions)
- Bag insert – Sponsor to supply this item (200-250 pieces)
- Attendees’ contact information, including e-mail (unless opted out) post event
- Exhibit table
Gold - $4000
- Recognition as Gold Level Supporter on conference web page and in marketing, as well as acknowledgment during Opening Remarks
- Approved message or ad emailed to entire database
- Conference app listing: Up to two PDF files (ad, company brochure, etc.), link to pre-recorded video, contact info, company bio, and website link. Ability to post special deals, flyers, or photos, and interact directly with attendees (mobile and desktop versions)
- Attendees’ contact information, including e-mail (unless opted out) post event
- Exhibit table
Silver - $2500
- Recognition as Silver Level Supporter on conference web page and in marketing, as well as acknowledgment during Opening Remarks
- Conference app listing: Up to two PDF files (ad, company brochure, etc.), link to pre-recorded video, contact info, company bio, and website link. Ability to post special deals, flyers, or photos, and interact directly with attendees (mobile and desktop versions)
- Attendees’ contact information, including e-mail (unless opted out) post event
- Exhibit table